With our wide range of membership options and benefits, SOFHT is your home for networking, innovation and training throughout your career.

SOFHT’s events are located in key venues across the UK and include lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions and networking opportunities.

Our Training Academy is the leading cost effective and flexible training option for a wide range of courses delivered remotely, on-site or by e-learning.
Latest News

annual lecture, lunch & awards 2024
WHEN : Thursday 21st November 2024
WHERE : The Brewery , London
Supporting company Members

It’s useful to be part of a Society that works with the Food
Standards Agency and other influential groups on behalf
of the entire industry too.
SOFHT has become increasingly well respected and ever
more relevant in recent years and membership provides
significant value

We use the training courses quite a lot, breakfast
meetings and seminars are great for networking and
full of relevant subject matter and we utilise other
services too.
The advice line is also particularly good as you can
talk to real experts and get an independent view on
any subject.

Aston Manor Cider
“We joined SOFHT to learn more about the latest thinking
in the industry, which is important due to the consultative
nature of our business.
As the business climate changes so quickly, the value
of participating in a professional body that devotes its
resources to engaging with its members on the key
issues cannot be under-estimated.”

Bio-Check (UK)
Membership of SOFHT delivers a vital platform
on which we can raise our profile and promote our work.
Networking events, awards evenings and seminars
provide great opportunities for us talk to the right people
within the food industry

FERA Science Ltd
It’s useful to be part of a Society that works with the Food
Standards Agency and other influential groups on behalf
of the entire industry too.
SOFHT has become increasingly well respected and ever
more relevant in recent years and membership provides
significant value

We use the training courses quite a lot, breakfast
meetings and seminars are great for networking and
full of relevant subject matter and we utilise other
services too.
The advice line is also particularly good as you can
talk to real experts and get an independent view on
any subject.

Aston Manor Cider
“We joined SOFHT to learn more about the latest thinking
in the industry, which is important due to the consultative
nature of our business.
As the business climate changes so quickly, the value
of participating in a professional body that devotes its
resources to engaging with its members on the key
issues cannot be under-estimated.”

Bio-Check (UK)
Membership of SOFHT delivers a vital platform
on which we can raise our profile and promote our work.
Networking events, awards evenings and seminars
provide great opportunities for us talk to the right people
within the food industry

FERA Science Ltd