Allergen Awareness Licences

From: £25.00 plus VAT

Any individual who participates in the process of storing, preparing, cooking or serving food. Or other individuals who come into direct contact with any foodstuffs.

Cost: £25 (Members), £28 (Non-Members), all plus VAT, per delegate
Duration: 1.5 hours

For help purchasing courses please CLICK HERE



This course will give you a series of ideas and guidelines on how to make sure that your establishment complies with the latest UK food laws. This is a legal requirement and will ensure that your customers are able to make informed choices when selecting what food to safely eat, but also that your consumers are not at risk of intolerance-related symptoms when consuming food served by your organisation.

This course covers:
  • Allergic reactions to food including anaphylaxis and the serious nature of symptoms that occur when the body’s immune system responds to intolerance
  • What the law says about allergen awareness and food packaging labels, and who it applies to
  • The types of food causing an allergic reaction or intolerance and how the common causes of intolerance can be different in adults and children
  • The types of action to take if a person consumes unsafe food and their body responds to the intolerance
  •  An overview of coeliac disease and lactose intolerance
  • The labelling requirements for pre-packaged foods and understanding the legal requirements behind packaging in relation to customer care
  • The labelling requirements for unpackaged foods, such as food served in a restaurant
  • How to increase customers’ allergen awareness through labelling and packaging
  • How to avoid cross-contamination, particularly in large and micro food businesses where there is a lengthy process of producing the food. This may involve companies that manufacture food in factories before it is transported to a food store or restaurant
  • Natasha’s law which is the new requirement for food outlets to provide a full list of ingredients with clear allergen labelling on all foods prepared, pre-packed or sold to the consumer on the same premises